First experiences of hostel living.

I have now officially stayed in my first hostel. I’m going to try and be frank with you about all my experiences, my blog isn’t somewhere where I only want to write about the amazing, breath-taking experiences I have. It’s hopefully going to be an honest account of my time travelling. So even though mum, … Continue reading

Bon Voyage

This weekend I held my eagerly anticipated leaving party and I’m pleased to say that it went brilliantly. It was also harder than I ever imagined. Having it only 5 days before my departure date and after I had just finished my last day at work, it was a time forĀ a lot of goodbyes to … Continue reading

Part 2 – Firsts

After my post about ‘Lasts’ (if you missed it, it’s here!), things you do for the last time before you leave for travelling, I got thinking about all the firsts I’m going to achieve. This is the list I’m definitely most excited about! This trip of mine, my first travel baby, is going to be … Continue reading